With growing popularity of the GPS-Compare.com web site I decided to update the Look and Feel and add a blog. Of course it is a WordPress blog. The theme I use is the StudioPress Theme and I use the BANS StudioPress package from Mark at theNicheStoreBuilder.com – currently free The biggest worry I had before […]
This is absolutely unbelievable! The stunts this guy performs on a remote controlled helicopter. In this case I will let the pictures tell the story – not much to add anyway
One of the most popular sections on the Boat2Fish.net website are the Boat Wallpaper series. There really are a number of very nice pictures here Check out the rest in these pages: Fishing Boat Wallpaper Ferry Wallpaper Fiberglass Boat Wallpaper Harbor Wallpaper
On the contact form I used on 4x4OffRoads.com I had a simple form for sending me a direct message. As the traffic has grown I get more and more emails through the form where off roaders are asking technical questions that is much better suited for the collective “wisdom of the crowds”. Therefore I now […]
I am working on a overhaul of the Boat2Fish.net website. It is now a blog and I am using the StudioPress theme that I really like. I will be adding the rest of the content in the coming days. Let me know what you think…
I often get emails similar to this: First Name: Anja Country: Belgium Subject: Sitesell bilingual site Message: Hi there, I am a newcomer to SBI, I would like to build a bilingual or a site with three languages. Could you tell me please, how the blueprint looks like with other languages? Do the Tiers 2 […]
Simply had to create a HubPages.com page to compare to the 4×4 Squidoo.com lens The two Web 2.0 sites work in pretty much the same way. After you have your account you can start right away to build a page. You have several modules you can add and control and use to make the page […]
Just made a new lens on Squidoo.com. It is a lens for finding and buying your next 4×4, truck or SUV on eBay. Setting up the lens is really simple and straightforward. If the lens gets popular I will probably do more. Please drop by and let me know what you think…
Using a farmer with two cows is is a popular way to explain complex economic systems. Quite fitting to review these in light of the current worldwide economic crisis that seems to be hitting Iceland the worst. I suggest you take the time to seriously study these. 21 Economic Models … explained with cows SOCIALISM […]
These ads have been talked about a lot on the web these past days. The question is: How do Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld function within “normal” people. The first ad is a little “out there”: The second one a little better: It IS kinda’ funny – Bill & Jerry so totally out of touch […]