SiteSell is now launching an important addition that will open up almost infinite possibilities for expansion and growth of SiteBuildIt! sites.
As you know I use SBI and recommend for anyone that wants to build a solid business foundation on the web.
Thank YOU Ken and team for making this available!
The only problem I have now is from the dreaded “gadgets abundance syndrome”. Much too hard to choose from all the possibilities.
Bill wrote an excellent article on integrating WordPress. I know from experience the painstaking detail he has gone through. And the integration he shows looks flawless!
Alf also wrote an enlightening article on the phpBB forums integration. It gives a different angle on the integration possibilities. It doesn’t have to be too complicated.
Because I have to get going for the SBI Cruise. I probably will have to wait with launching until I get back. Luckily I can use the time as I relax in the sun – zipping on a cool pina colada and dipping my toes into the swimming pool to think about and select the best route for my sites.
From Ken’s announcement:
Infin It!, the module that allows you to add a WordPress or TypePad blog, or a forum, or a store, or… just about anything as a subdomain of your site, is now LIVE!
You’ll find it just beside MX It! in the Activity Center section of Site Central’s BusinessCenter.
Infin It! opens up the SBI! architecture and lets you extend your SBI! site functionality with modules that are not “core” to C -> T -> P -> M, but that may be important to some SBIers.
For example, only a small percentage of SBIers may actually want to full-blog. Now they can.
Ditto for running your own forums.
Or putting up a store.
It’s a little like the “long-tail” of modules. While only a small percentage of SBIer may want to use any particular functionality, when you add everyone together, I expect Infin It! to meet a whole bunch of SBIers’ special needs and wants.
“Infin It!” is the perfect name due to its
near-infinite possibilities — thanks, Erwin!